Sponsorship and Advertising Opportunities
A member of both the BC and Canadian Soccer Associations, Pinnacles FC is an organization committed to promoting soccer and overall healthy activities to children and youth throughout the South Okanagan.
Pinnacles FC has been training young athletes in the fundamentals of the game since 1954. Our Club consists of approximately 1500 players and their families. Our programs are designed to match each player's unique abilities and level of play. Our goal is to develop strength, flexibility, and coordination and to create an atmosphere where any player can achieve their highest level of accomplishment.
We strive to create programs that foster a place for every player based on their goals and abilities.
We have programs in:
- Penticton
- Summerland
- Oliver
- Osoyoos

Sponsorship and advertising of Pinnacles FC's community-based programs provide a platform to promote a business or service to the heart of a large consumer base throughout the South Okanagan.
As a non-profit organization Pinnacles FC always puts the players first. We constantly strive for development and ensure that every player of every level has a place to play. We take pride in including all members of the community in our programming.
There are many different levels of sponsorship that can meet any budget and will be sure to offer a substantial benefit to you and your company.
For sponsorship package enquiries, please email admin@pinnaclesfc.ca
These are some of our corporate sponsors who have helped us over the years. Because of them, we are able to provide programs for many children and youth in the South Okanagan. We are also able to keep the costs for our players low so that every child has an opportunity to play.

Thank you for your interest in Pinnacles FC. By investing in our soccer programs you will be showing your support of local athletes achieving their highest goals in the game.